NOTICE: Vestry Election to be held
Sunday, December 10, 2017
A hard copy of the full text of
this notice is also posted on the Parish Notices bulletin board at the church
and will be included as a bulletin insert for the next several weeks.
Nominations for Vestry Now Open
Deadline November 19
The Vestry Nominating Committee is currently considering nominees
for vestry positions for 2018. The Nominating Committee uses a formal
discernment process to prayerfully discern who to ask to serve on the vestry
next year.
First, the qualities and characteristics and skills needed on the
vestry at the current time are discerned from the collective wisdom of the
group (each individual forms a list, and the lists are then shared, looking for
common things that appear on all lists). Then, each member of the Nominating
Committee goes through the parish directory with the list of desired
characteristics in hand, praying for God to reveal to them who has these
qualities and God may be calling to serve on the vestry next year, and forms a
list (without input from anyone else on the committee). Then the Committee
meets and shares their lists. If someone's name comes up on more than one
person's list, that person is sent a letter asking them to consider running for
vestry next year.
The Nominating Committee this year consists of the three vestry
members who are rotating off the vestry at the end of this year: Eileen
Fernald, Debra Spencer, and Vicky Wilson, two members-at-large from the
congregation: Ray Wolfe and Brian Raney, and the rector: Tracy Wells Miller.
Members of the parish at large may also nominate themselves or
others as candidates by filing a petition with the Clerk of the Vestry, who is
currently Nancy Shephard. (You may email her at or leave a
note in her box in the mailbox slots in the church near the Godly Play room.) A
petition naming the nominee must be signed by five (5) voting members of the
Parish and filed with the Clerk no later than November 19, 2017. Each petition
shall name only one nominee. No nominations are accepted from the floor at the
Annual Parish Meeting.
All nominees for Vestry will be announced to the parish by
November 25, 2017. Those names Will appear on the ballot for election to the
Vestry at the Annual Parish Meeting (Part 1) on December 10, 2017. No
distinction shall be made as to those candidates who were discerned and
recommended by the Nominating Committee and those who are on the ballot by
What is the Vestry?
The Vestry is the governing board of the church, similar to the
Board of Directors in a secular organization, but serving on the Vestry is not
exactly the equivalent to serving on a board. Although the Vestry is charged
with oversight of the business and temporal affairs of the church, they are
also spiritual leaders within the congregation. Together with the Rector, they
cast vision and set direction for the parish. -
Why serve?
In order to contribute your gifts to the overall well-being of St.
John's, and ultimately, to the glory of God, and to guide the vision and
supervise the overall operations of the Parish. The combination of the
collegiality of the group and impact of the work makes serving on the Vestry
both satisfying and important.
What kind of commitment is involved?
Vestry members serve a three-year term. Those elected this
December will serve from January of 2019 through December of 2021. The Vestry
meets monthly (currently on the 2nd Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m., or 7-9 p.m. if we
have a guest presentation), and from time to time as needed on particular
projects. Each Vestry member oversees a ministry area (like Worship, Newcomers,
Outreach, or Hospitality) and facilitates involvement in and communication
about the parish's ministries in their area. (The Vestry member doesn't have to
do everything in that area themselves, but they are responsible for making sure
someone does them.)
What are the qualifications to serve?
Per St. John's by-laws, Article 4: "Vestry members and
candidates other than the Rector shall be lay persons who are voting members of
the Parish. Additionally, during the 12 month period before the announcement of
election (60 days prior to the second Sunday in Advent), vestry candidates and
members must have contributed to the undesignated fund or building fund of the
parish." This means that if you have not contributed financially to the
undesignated fund or the building fund of the parish .at the time this notice
comes out, you are not qualified to run for vestry this year. Check with Mother
Tracy (rector© if you have any questions about your
qualifications to run.
Election Calendar
- October 11 - Notice to Parish of Vestry Election
- November 19 -Nominations for Vestry Candidates Close
- November 25— Parish Notified of Nominees for Vestry, Parish Register Open for Inspection By Candidates
- December 10 - Annual Parish Meeting, Part 1: Election of Vestry Members
- January 14— Annual Parish Meeting, Part 2: Election of Delegates to Diocesan Convention
Who can vote in the elections?
Article 2 of St. John's by-laws states
that Voting Members are those who "have made a mature public affirmation
of their faith (either through being baptized as an adult, or being confirmed
or received as an adult if baptized as a child), who have been faithful in
corporate worship (unless for good cause prevented) and in working, praying,
and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God, and who are at least 16 years
old. They must, also, be listed in the Treasurer's books as a contributor
within the previous 12 months, and have been a member of the Parish for at
least six months."
This means that you need to be a communicant in good standing (the
technical term as defined by The Episcopal Church for a member who meets the
qualifications listed in this section of our by-laws) in order to vote, and you
must have given some kind of financial gift - of any amount, to any fund - to
the church in the past year.
You do not have to have made a financial pledge to St. John's in
the past year to vote. As long as you have given some amount of money to
something, you are qualified to vote. (Examples: You put $1 in the plate one
Sunday. You attended Nico's concert earlier this year and paid $20, which went
to the music fund. You contributed money (any amount) to one of our outreach
Here's the catch, though: the
contribution must be traceable to you. That means cash dropped in the plate, or cash given to pay for an
event like the aforementioned music fundraiser concert -- without any
identifying information that shows you are the one who gave it -- doesn't
count. If you've been a regular cash giver but have done so anonymously in the
past (just dropping cash in the plate on an occasional basis), please take the
time in the next few weeks to use one of the new giving envelopes in the news (pictured
here) to make sure you are "listed in the Treasurer's books as a
contributor." It's simple: just put your cash offering for the day in that
envelope and write your name and the date on it.
If you give anonymously out of principle (you don’t want anyone
knowing exactly how much you give), please still put a token dollar in an
offering envelope in the next few weeks so we at least know THAT you give (and
we still won’t know the total of how much).
Full Text of Relevant Sections of St. John's
Article 5, Section 8 of St. John’s by-laws requires that “The
Vestry shall notify all Parish members, not later than sixty (60) days
preceding the APM, of the qualifications and duties of Vestry members and of
the provisions of this Article.”
In order to comply with this requirement, as part of this official
notice we include the full text of Article
4 (Qualifications of Vestry Members), Article
5 (Vestry Member and Delegate Elections) and Article 7 (Powers and Duties of Vestry Members). (The entire text
of the by-laws are available on the vestry page of St. John’s website at A hard copy is also posted on
the Parish Notices bulletin board in the church.)
Qualifications of Vestry Members
Vestry members and candidates other than the Rector shall be lay
persons who are voting members of the Parish. Additionally, during the 12 month
period before the announcement of election (60 days prior to the second Sunday
in Advent), vestry candidates and members must have contributed to the
undesignated fund or building fund of the parish.
Vestry Member and Delegate Elections
Section 1. The term of office of Vestry members
shall begin on January 1 of the year following their election and shall
continue for three years or until the term to which they were elected has
expired. The terms of Vestry members
shall be staggered so that one-third of the members shall be elected each year
to the extent that this is possible. In addition, at the APM session one,
members shall elect Vestry members to fill any unexpired terms, whether
previously filled by interim appointment or vacant.
Section 2. The candidate(s) receiving the highest
number of votes shall be appointed for a term of three years; the candidate(s)
receiving a lesser number of votes shall be appointed to fill the unexpired
term(s). The candidate receiving the next highest number of votes shall be
appointed for a term of two years. In the case of candidates who receive an
equal number of votes, the Rector shall indicate which candidate(s) shall be
appointed for full terms and which shall be appointed to fill shorter unexpired
terms of office.
Section 3. Should a candidate be unable to stand
for election for a full three-year term, the Rector may, in his/her discretion,
appoint such individual, if elected, to a term of less than three years if this
action would be in the best interests of the Parish, with Vestry approval.
Section 4. The results of the election of Vestry
members shall be announced no later than the Sunday following adjournment of
the APM session one. The results of the election of Delegates shall be
announced no later than the Sunday following adjournment of the APM session
Section 5. No Vestry member shall hold office for
a continuous period of more than three (3) years; provided, however, that after
the lapse of one (1) year from the termination of such three year period, s/he
may be re-elected to the Vestry; further provided, however, that a member of
Vestry elected or appointed to fill a vacancy of less than one year shall,
after the expiration thereof, be eligible to election for a term of three (3)
full years. Additionally, when the
Rector leaves (by retirement, resignation, death, or removal), the incumbent
Senior Warden shall remain eligible for re-election to the Vestry for an
additional one-year term.
Section 6. No later than the August Vestry
meeting, the Vestry shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least
three members of the Vestry. The chairperson of the Nominating Committee, who
is one of the three members, shall be designated by the Vestry. The Nominating
Committee may choose one or two additional members from the Parish at large. At
least 21 days prior to the date of the APM Session 1, the Nominating Committee
shall select nominees of no less than one person for each vacancy on the Vestry
. Written notice of the names of the nominees shall be given to the Clerk of
the Vestry.
Section 7. In addition, members of the Parish at
large are encouraged to nominate candidates by filing with the Clerk of the
Vestry, not less than 21 days before the APM, a petition signed by five (5)
members of the Parish with the name of the nominee. A petition shall name only
one nominee. The nominations will close on the (21st) twenty-first day prior to
the APM and no nominations will be accepted from the floor at the APM.
Section 8. Each member of the Parish shall be
notified of the names of the nominees at least fifteen (15) days before the
date of Session 1 of the APM. No distinction shall be made among the nominees
as to whether they were selected by the Nominating Committee or by
petition. Additionally, beginning that
date the Parish Register will be open for inspection by candidates.
The Vestry shall notify all Parish members, not later than sixty
(60) days preceding the APM, of the qualifications and duties of Vestry members
and of the provisions of this Article.
Section 9. Notice of a Vestry membership election,
or of any Parish meeting shall be given during worship service on the Sunday
preceding the day on which the election or Parish meeting is to be held. On the
Sunday following such election or meeting, the names of such Vestry members
elected and/or the nature of the business transacted at the meeting shall be
Section 10. The voting shall be by secret ballot, and
each member shall have one (1) vote for each vacancy. When several candidates are running for several
seats, no one may cast more than one vote for any single candidate. The person or persons receiving the largest
number of votes shall be elected to fill each vacancy. In case of a tie, there
shall be additional ballots until it is resolved by election.
Section 11. The election will be conducted and the
ballots counted by members of the Nominating Committee unless, at the request
of three (3) members, there shall be appointed from the membership three (3)
judges of the election, one of these to be appointed by the Rector, one by a
vote of the Vestry, and these two shall elect the third, who shall together be
the judges of the qualifications of the Electors, and who shall canvas the
ballot and certify in writing the results of the election.
Whenever a vote shall be challenged, the voter will be allowed to
cast a ballot, however, his/her ballot shall be placed in an envelope upon
which their name shall be written along with the reason for the challenge. The
Nominating Committee or Election Judges shall consult the Parish records and
attempt to resolve challenges to the satisfaction of the challenger. The resolved challenge ballots will be opened
and mingled with all other ballots. The ballots will then be counted.
If the number of remaining challenged ballots would determine the
outcome of the election, the Rector will enclose all ballots cast at the
election, and all challenged ballots, in a sealed envelope along with a copy of
the Parish Register and other pertinent documents, and deliver this material to
the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese (EAD) for a final determination.
If the remaining challenged ballots would not determine the
outcome of the election, the election results will be certified by Election
Judges or Nominating Committee, and this certification as well as all ballots
cast will be placed in a sealed envelope and delivered to the Vestry. The
envelope shall be preserved unopened, subject to the order of the EAD, for a
period of one year.
An appeal from the certified result of the election shall be to
the EAD.
Section 12. It is the duty of the Rector or, in
his/her absence, of the Wardens, to certify to the Diocese the names of the
Wardens, Vestry members, Delegates, Treasurer, Clerk and other officers elected
or appointed in January of each year.
Powers and Duties of Vestry Members
The Vestry shall have the power and responsibility:
To conduct,
manage and control the temporal affairs and business of the Parish, approve the
wages and selection of employees, and to make such rules and regulations not
inconsistent with law, the Constitution and Canons of TEC and the Diocese, and
these bylaws, as they may deem best.
To establish
an annual Parish budget, to monitor the current and long-term financial circumstances
of the Parish; and to oversee the congregation’s vitality. A preliminary Parish
budget for the coming year shall be prepared and presented to the Vestry at the
November Vestry meeting.
To appoint
or dissolve such committees as are deemed necessary to facilitate management
and control of the Parish’s ministry.
Committees shall take no action unless approved by the Vestry unless the
committee was specifically empowered to take such action.
To borrow
money and incur indebtedness for the purposes of the corporation, and to cause
to be executed and delivered in the corporate name, promissory notes and other
evidence of indebtedness subject to the provisions of the Constitution and
Canons of the TEC in the Diocese.
To call
special Parish meetings, upon petition of at least four (4) Vestry
members. Such petition shall include the
agenda for the special Parish meeting.
To do and
perform every act or thing which may be done by a Board of Directors of a