Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Rector sets performance goals for 2017-18 program year

By Andrea Seitz
Junior Warden

Every year the Vestry goes through an evaluation of the year called a Mutual Ministry Review (MMR). The purpose of the MMR is to look carefully at the work that has been carried out on behalf of the parish’s mission to see how well goals have been met and where the Holy Spirit may be leading in the future. It is an honest, prayerful appraisal that can provide much cause for both celebration and a revisioning of the future. The process leads directly into another planning process that takes place each year: the Rector’s personal goal-setting for the purpose of her annual performance evaluation.

During the planning process for our new Rector, the Rector’s evaluation procedure was reviewed. The former process was vague and lacking in specificity. So, the Executive Committee rewrote that section of the contract to create an evaluation process that would encourage self-reflection and improved planning and coordination.

When Mother Tracy was hired, the process was collaboratively refined and finalized with her. The current contract asks the Rector to write five goals with accompanying measureable objectives. One goal is specifically for the parish, one for the Vestry, one is a personal goal and two others are her choice.

The goals are to be developed with the MMR in mind (where the Vestry has had input), any strategic planning document in place, input from the evaluation given that year, and for this year Mtr. Tracy also referred to our Parish Profile. The goals are then reviewed with the Executive Committee and the entire document is shared in closed session with the Vestry. It should be stressed that this is a collaborative process, covered with prayer and careful thought and completely undertaken for the good of the parish.

Mtr. Tracy's goals for the 2017-18 program year are as follows:
  1. Curate a Sunday worship experience that is accessible to all ages, welcomes newcomers, and joyfully proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that is relevant to people’s daily lives. (Goal for the Parish)
  2. Expand and develop my public speaking skills. (Personal Development Goal)
  3. Encourage and promote reconciliation and healing throughout the congregation.
  4. Develop efficient and clear procedures and practices for vestry meetings that encourage transparency and reduce conflict. (Goal for Support of the Vestry)
  5. Support strategic planning for the next 5-10 years of St. John’s future.
Mtr. Tracy was intentional about formulating her goals based on information from parish-wide reflection and input led by the Vestry. This past year the reflection process was led by the Search Committee during our Lenten Study and resulted in our Parish Profile. The Rector’s evaluation is tied directly to this shared search for what we are being called to do, which leads to goals and objectives to accomplish and then assessment of how well they were accomplished.

If the process works as intended, the Vestry as a whole will be taking this information back to their ministry areas and collaboratively, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, will develop yearly goals during the Mutual Ministry Review. These goals and objectives will be shared at Vestry meetings and will form the major work of the Vestry for the year. The process is dynamic, lively, focused on our mission as disciples and should provide for opportunities for celebration as we see our plans to serve Christ in ever more meaningful ways come to fruition. We can all be a part of this yearly journey.

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